dimland radio 4-20-24 show notes

Yes, I’ve used this photo before. I’ve used the next photo before, too. So what?!

It was the morning of Eclipse Day, there was no newspaper on he front walk. Could our delivery person have finally gotten the word to stop delivering to our house?

Tuesday, Wednesday, the rest of the week! No paper!

Yay! It’s done. It’s over. No more unwanted…

Sunday morning…

Monday, Tuesday, the rest of the week, yesterday, this morning…

The paper is being delivered. Still.

I said I wouldn’t call back after calling four times, attempting to stop delivery and I intend to keep my word.

Getty Images

It happened last week. And, as I said, the hosts of the Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe podcast were in Dallas and they got to see totality. Including Bob Novella, who doesn’t really believe he was cursed, but damn if it doesn’t seem that way.

I also learned the difference between an annular eclipse and a total eclipse. The moon is slightly farther away from earth during an annular eclipse, so it doesn’t completely block out the sun as a total eclipse does.

For what I’ve heard, having never seen either myself, though the annular eclipse is cool, it doesn’t touch the awesomeness of the total eclipse.

I’ve seen a partial eclipse, but not the other two.

Next total solar eclipse in the lower 48 will be in 2044. I’ll be damn near 80 and have to get to Montana to see it. I bet it will be cloudy.

Ghost hunters are really mostly just anomaly hunters. None of them have ever found a ghost. And they likely never will.

They appear to think balloons filled with helium floating along the ceiling of some villa, working their way over to a stairwell, is evidence for ghostly activity.

My comment in the photo below will clue you into how I view this “evidence”.

And orbs? Oh, please.
Shouldn’t Colorado be stuck in 1868 for citing the 14th Amendment in their attempt to keep Peerless Loser off the ballot?

I been noticing whenever someone on the correct side of abortion rights for women issue (pro is the correct side) talks about the Arizona State Supreme Court pretty much banning abortion (not completely, but close), they tend to mention that the law the court based its decision upon is from 1864 or the Civil War era.

So it’s an old law, so what?

On the show, I bring some other laws nearly as old and older, but the year those laws were enacted are always getting mentioned. Why is that?

Hard to believe, but we’re doing it!

Selling our house has made it possible for my wife and me to splurge on a couple vacation trips. This fall, we’ll be heading to the UK, visiting England, Scotland, and Ireland. Next spring, we’ll gong on the 80s Cruise!

I know a cruise doesn’t seem like me, but it’ a chance to meet some friends I’ve only interacted with through the internets.

I’m looking forward to both vacations, but somehow the cruise is really occupying my mind.

Dimland Radio opening theme song: Ram by The Yoleus

First ad break bump: Boy About Town by The Jam and Know Your Rights by The Clash

Second ad break bumpers: De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da by The Police and Freak by Bruce Foxton

Closing song: Angler’s Treble Hook by $5 Fiddle

That’s it! See you next Saturday night for Dimland Radio 11 Central, midnight Eastern on www.ztalkradio.com you can also download my show from the z talk show archives page. You can email your questions and comments to drdim@dimland.com

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Cool logo, eh?

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