dimland radio 2-24-24 show notes

Now this is a picture of our old house.

For just over 23 years, Amy and I called the house you see above home. We raised our son in that house. We’ve said goodbye to two pets (Quigley and Callie) and welcomed our little Edna to the family while living in that house. There are memories in every corner.

As of this past Tuesday, at about 3:30 in the afternoon, the house became home to someone else.

Within an hour, the money we earned from the sale made its way into our checking account and I was finally able to finish my collection of the first 200 issues of The Avengers.

I finally have a copy of my own!

20/20, ABC’s true crime show, is doing something weird with their reporters. The show has several contributing reporters who take turns reporting on some true crime mystery. During each story, there will be at least one segment with the reporter stopping the voice over to deliver some part of the story while on camera.

That in itself is no reason for me to ARGH!

John! Who are you talking to?!

But, what does make me ARGH! is that during those on camera segments, the reporters look as if they are talking to someone just off camera. They’re supposed to be talking to the viewers. Why are they looking off camera?! Who are they talking to?!

Brian Dunning

Brian Dunning, host of the Skeptoid Podcast, has made a documentary examining the whole revival of the UFO craze.

Look! Now, I can’t say this as an absolute, but I will anyway. Space have never, are not currently, and will never visit us. They are just too good damn far away!

Brian’s documentary says pretty much the same thing. Just not as bluntly.

This does not mean we are alone in the universe. In fact, as the astronomers in the film all state, our galaxy probably has lots of life. Some of that life might be as or more intelligent than us.

But they ain’t coming here!

You can watch this less mean than I just was documentary on UFOs on YouTube.

The caption is something Jon Stewart needs to learn.

Jon Stewart returned to The Daily Show and he isn’t helping. At least he wasn’t on his first night back. He choose to tell his audience that Pres. Biden is old. (True, he did say the same thing about Peerless Loser and lots of worse shit about the orange traitor.) When people who have worked closely with Old Joe, all, to a person, say he is on the ball, sharp, understanding, thoughtful, and decisive. How did Jon not help? He coyly asked, “Do you have any film of that?”

Lawrence O’Donnell, who has actual experience working with Presidents (something Jon does not), helped by explaining the true job of the President isn’t done publicly.

Click here to watch Lawrence help.

Dimland Radio opening theme song: Ram by The Yoleus

First ad break bump: Crummy Stuff by Ramones and Cheeking Tongues by Wire

Second ad break bumpers: Come To Milton Keynes by The Style Council and Controversy by Prince

Closing song: Angler’s Treble Hook by $5 Fiddle

That’s it! See you next Saturday night for Dimland Radio 11 Central, midnight Eastern on www.ztalkradio.com you can also download my show from the z talk show archives page. You can email your questions and comments to drdim@dimland.com

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You can also go to my CafePress store and buy stuff with my artwork on it and have me do a portrait for you if you’d like.

Cool logo, eh?

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One thought on “dimland radio 2-24-24 show notes

  1. With reference to the “looking slightly off camera” thing, it hasn’t filtered into mainstream news or hard hitting news magazine programmes in the UK just yet, but there’s a couple of shows I watch on a semi-regular basis where it has. On one of the Sky channels is a show called What On Earth? which is a truly perverse mix: part nature documentary, part factual stories, part history and part full-on alien visitation stories, where not only do people talk to unseen folks off-camera, but the voiceover/link guy says things that should be said in a normal voice, but in a semi-shouty movie trailer voice, complete with little grunts at the end of the word. Another show is called Abandoned Engineering, which is all about fascinating structures around the globe that for some reason were left to rot despite obviously having taken a long time and a lot of hard work and money to construct in the first place. It’s all factual, things like giant WW2 submarine factories hidden away, munitions factories built using slave labour, exotic mansions that have never been lived in etc. They have scientists and experts talking on camera, looking off to one side, but also saying their expert insightful pieces like bad actors, like they’re reading a script. But these are the real actual people, not actors. Most odd.

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