dimland radio 3-30-24 show notes

But is it made of iron? Or does iron describe its strength.

I was incredulous of the existence of iron sticks. It seemed weird to me that a stick would be made of anything other than wood.

A friend of the show (and a personal friend of mine) did a little searching and he found an iron stick. Sort of.

Here’s a picture of newspapers that looks like the stack on our kitchen table.

…it still shows up each morning.

After four phone calls, it still gets dropped on our front walk.

I called the fourth time on Friday and still it comes.


Oh, well. It’s free.

Three Mile Island nuclear power plant.

America’s nuclear accident, Three Mile Island, happened on March 28, 1979. It was bad, but not Fukashima bad and nowhere near Chernobyl bad.

Paramount Pictures (2011)

Oh, boy! That running down the outside of the tallest building in the world scene. I was feeling it way down deep in my guts!

Lots of exciting action and plenty of Mission Impossibleness (no masks though) with Tom Cruise doing so many of his on stunts. Yep, that was him hanging outside that skyscraper!

There were moment than a couple moments of yelling at the characters to get away from that window!

President Donald J Trump

That makes two books the failed coup attempter has hawked and hasn’t read.

There is no low too low for that orange pile of shit to sink. And his cult members will pony up the dough. It’s pathetic and scary.

The man couldn’t come up with a favorite verses or story from his “favorite” book.


A jokester asked if the circled blobsquatch was the Mothman.

Soon after the tragedy of the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse, the image showed up on my Facebook. The suggestion is that that blobsquatch in the circle is the Mothman, except there has been a little doctoring of the image.

The image below was taken from the video of the accident at the same moment. No blobsquatch in this photo. Hmmmm.

Dimland Radio opening theme song: Ram by The Yoleus

First ad break bump: All You Pretty Girls and Chalkhills & Children by XTC

Second ad break bumpers: Dear God and Melt The Guns by XTC

Closing song: Angler’s Treble Hook by $5 Fiddle

That’s it! See you next Saturday night for Dimland Radio 11 Central, midnight Eastern on www.ztalkradio.com you can also download my show from the z talk show archives page. You can email your questions and comments to drdim@dimland.com

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