dimland radio 3-16-24 show notes

No quite 30 years ago, I applied for my first passport. It was late 1995 when a friend and I thought it would be fun to visit London, England. My friend had been paying close attention to flight costs and said tickets were cheap and we should go.

We went for a whirlwind five days knockabout in Swingin’ London. It was fun if brief trip.

Having never traveled to any passport required destination before, I needed to get that document ASAP! And I did.

Fast forward to now. My wife and I are planning a trip back to Good Ol’ Blighty (and Scotland and Ireland) in September. This time for 20 days. Both of our passports have long expired, so we had to apply for new ones.


30 years can really change a person. At least, the change was for the better.

Sure, I got older, but that’s not what I mean. That younger me barely even looks like me. I look bloated and bleary-eyed. No beard, and I look so much better with one.

I think the reason I looked so horrible back then is that those were my much heavier drinking days. I was 31, so that weren’t no baby fat.


“Jesus! What is wrong with you?! Are you the antichrist or something?”

There’s this whole campaign of Xfinity ads touting there whole house, even the basement, WiFi coverage. The ads feature kids telling slightly younger kids that those younger kids have it so much better than they did. You know, like, three years ago.

There are two ads that feature the same two boys, brothers, I presume.

And the younger brother is such a jerk.

My one (interesting, at least) St. Paddy’s Day story. It happened several years ago involving our old house, a tree on the boulevard, a crashed car, and a guy with a shotgun.

A meme about the seemingly inconsistent attitude toward plastic grocery bags, discouraged in most places, outright banned in some, and all the plastic packaging in the grocery store popped up on my Facebook page. he meme uses television’s greatest police detective Lt. Columbo.

I think that’s supposed to be I’s (use an apostrophe!) baffled. Columbo never said I’s. Not in the true Columbo shows in the ’70’s, anyway.

I understand the irony the meme is pointing out, but not using plastic shopping bags at least cuts down on all the plastic being used at the grocery store, doesn’t it? It’s a start.

A man in Germany has received 217 doses of the COVID vaccine! And he’s ok. So much for the anti-vaxxers’ too many vaccinations argument. The Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe does a deep dive on this story. Very interesting.

As I do from time to time, I reminded my listener that the disclaimer – These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. – seen at the bottom of the television screen during ads for various supplements (memory improvement, joint health, male enhancement, etc, etc) is a long way of saying this stuff is probably just some snake oil.

Actual prescription drug ads come with recommendations to consult your doctor and lists of the most common side effects. It’s a good way to tell real medicine from bullshit.

“Is it hot in here or am I going through the change?”

My wife did point out one such real medicine ad for hot flashes in menopausal women and one of its most common side effects… hot flashes. Wait. What?

Dimland Radio opening theme song: Ram by The Yoleus

First ad break bump: Change by Killing Joke and I Want You Back by Hoodoo Gurus

Second ad break bumpers: Another Day by Paul McCartney (Wait! That’s a ’70’s song! How’d that get in there?) and Mammoth Gardens by Game Theory

Closing song: Angler’s Treble Hook by $5 Fiddle

That’s it! See you next Saturday night for Dimland Radio 11 Central, midnight Eastern on www.ztalkradio.com you can also download my show from the z talk show archives page. You can email your questions and comments to drdim@dimland.com

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