dimland radio 12-30-23 show notes

Nikki Haley struggling to answer a simple question.

The Republican Party is lost. They are aligning themselves with the worst of us. One of their brightest lights (if I can call her that) can’t even answer the simplest of questions.

“What was the cause of the United States Civil War?”

Slavery. The answer is slavery.

And, yet, Nikki Haley, GOP presidential hopeful couldn’t come up with that answer. She went on about the role of government, capitalism, liberty, blah, blah, blah…

After her “answer”, the fellow who asked the question responded, “In the year 2023, it’s astonishing indeed that you can answer that question without mentioning slavery.”

Beau knows.

For more on slavery being the cause of the American Civil War, watch Beau of the Fifth Column here. And you can read Alexander Stephens’ (Vice President of the Confederacy) take on slavery and the superiority of white people. It’s horrific.

This little prick told us what caused the Civil War.
A sad and too familiar sight around St. Paul.

Copper thieves have been darkening the streets around St. Paul for some time now. They had a hand in the dog attack on my puppy weeks after we had gotten her. My foolishness and the asshole not having his dog on a leash contributed, but had the thieves not disabled the street lights I would have been able to react quicker to the unleashed dog.

I thought the dark streets would lead to someone getting hurt or dead.

Well, I was right.

Each year at Christmastime, I like to which a holiday classic or two. One of them is the Frank Capra masterpiece It’s A Wonderful Life. It’s a little corny and there’s all that saints and angels nonsense, but it’s a heartfelt fantasy that never fails to make me smile. And get a little teary-eyed.

You might have to go back to that bridge, George.

We all know the story. James Stewart plays George Bailey, a good, kind, and selfless man who just wants to get the hell out of Bedford Falls. He never does. Something always keeps him tied to that one horse town. There is an undertone of resentment harbored by George, but his selflessness keeps it in check, until, that is, his Uncle Bailey absentmindedly loses eight thousand dollars.

Without going into anymore details, George becomes desperate enough to consider killing himself. But, an angel intervenes. And then the town, which owed so much to George’s selflessness, comes to his aid.

That’s when I get a little tear in my eye.

But, there’s still that missing eight grand…

Dimland Radio opening theme song: Ram by The Yoleus

First ad break bumpers: Seen And Not Seen by Talking Heads and Lead A Normal Life by Peter Gabriel

Second ad break bumpers: Head Over Heels by The Go-Go’s and New Year’s Day by U2

Closing song: Angler’s Treble Hook by $5 Fiddle

That’s it! See you next Saturday night for Dimland Radio 11 Central, midnight Eastern on www.ztalkradio.com you can also download my show from the z talk show archives page. You can email your questions and comments to drdim@dimland.com

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