dimland radio 8-12-23 show notes

Well, we’ve moved in. It’s been a week. Dad’s TV is pretty loud, but, surprisingly, closing the door to our new TV room does block out most of the noise. So, it hasn’t been much of a problem. I also think Dad has turned the volume down a little to not be too intrusive.

I mentioned his troubles with his TV remote and that someone ought to design a remote for seniors with just the buttons they need. Well, someone has…

Available on Amazon.

There will be challenges. He wants the key back for his car. His kids aren’t very comfortable with the idea. (More on the car situation next week.) He also isn’t too thrilled with having someone come in three days a week to do some light cleaning, laundry, make lunch, and keep him company. We tell him the person helps us as much as they help him.

As I said last week: We’ll make it work. Somehow.

Another reason to hate this show, besides all the bleeping, is that the shop-owners appear to forcibly kick out half of their customers.

Dad watches the bleeping horrible Hardcore Pawn, which I learned that bleep is no longer being produced (thank bleeping Satan), but the bleep is being rerun on some bleeping free broadcast TV channel. (Dad ain’t gonna bleeping pay for TV!)

I haven’t seen much of it, but I bleeping hate what little of it I have seen. Especially all the bleeping bleeps!

This meme assumes facts not in evidence.

Here we go again. This time Congress took time out of its busy schedule to listen to a bunch of second-hand and third-hand anecdotes about the US government having crashed alien spacecraft parts and “non-human biologics” in its possession.

I do not doubt the “whistleblowers” are sincere in their claims, but the hearings produced, as Steve Novella, host of the Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe podcast, would call it, a big nothing burger.

“Whistleblower” and provider of no evidence David Grusch.


Sinead O’Connor was only 56.
Paul Reubens (Pee Wee Herman) also gone too soon at 70.

Although it may be impolite and unkind to want someone dead, I can think of a number of people I wouldn’t even shrug a shoulder should they die. A certain dictator who started a war in Eastern Europe comes to mind. As does a certain dictator wannabe who admires that nation invader.

But Sinead and Pee Wee?! What the hell?!

There is an awesome impromptu tribute to Sinead by fellow Irish singer/songwriter Damien Rice caught on video on the YouTube. It’s very touching. And I mentioned a supercut video of every Pee Wee Herman appearance on David Letterman’s show. You ought to check them both out.

They are fitting tributes to two artists who left the world way too soon.

A very old book of nonsense written by men who didn’t know kangaroos existed.

I went to to church again. Not today, Jesus! And the priest read a parable told by Jesus and commented on the story in his homily. The parable had to do with a farmer finding out from his SLAVES that there were weeds in with the crop of wheat.

I’m sorry. Did you say slaves? SLAVES?!

Jesus Christ! This religion stuff just don’t make sense!

Photo credit: Me

Amy and I took some time away from all the business we’ve gotta ourselves into to see a band we rather like play live at the Minneapolis Armory. The band is The National and opening for them was the pretty darn good The Beths.

I knew nothing by The Beths, but I thought their tunes were very catchy (such as this one) and I’ll be checking them out on Spotify.

And I only knew five of the songs The National played. I have fallen behind on their more recent material, but I am rectifying that. There were two songs I had hopes for. Bloodbuzz, Ohio, which I hoped they would play, and About Today, which I hoped they wouldn’t.

The first is my favorite of their songs. The second, which I also like, just kills me whenever I hear it. It makes me feel emotional and I didn’t want to cry in public, and I knew I would have if they played it.

Did they comply with my hopes? You gotta listen to the show.

Dimland Radio opening theme song: Ram by The Yoleus

First ad break bumpers: Come Again by Au Pairs and Metastasis by Naked Raygun

Second ad break bumpers: Boy Who Cried Wolf by The Style Council and Rock ‘N’ Roll High School by Ramones

Closing song: Angler’s Treble Hook by $5 Fiddle

That’s it! See you next Saturday night for Dimland Radio 11 Central, midnight Eastern on www.ztalkradio.com you can also download my show from the z talk show archives page. You can email your questions and comments to drdim@dimland.com

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