dimland radio 6-6-20 show notes

Wear A Mask. Wear It Properly

After talking about my hair, (again!) I discussed wearing masks. I do see more and more people wearing them, but plenty are wearing them wrong. Your mouth AND nose should be covered. And stop fiddling with them! Here is a video giving you the low down on masks.

Then there are those who still think being required to wear masks is a violation of their liberties. Comedian Dana Gould has something to saying about that.

A Dimland Radio Pedantic Moment: This Guy

“You sure told off the rebel scum, Boss. Yeah, boy! Um, Boss? But I don’t have to wear a mask, right?”

Dana Gould’s use of that scene from Star Wars works perfectly until this guy shows up. You will note what he isn’t wearing.

Just Say No To Mail-In Voting… But, Why?

One of my recent posts on Facebook…

And why is it this objection to mail-in voting seems to be coming from Republicans and Trumpers? Curious, wouldn’t you agree?

Believers’ Strange Logic

I listen to a true crime podcast called Small Town Dicks. It’s a good show that gives listeners a look a crime from law enforcement’s point of view. I listened to this episode recently. It’s the story of a man who wasn’t quite right in the head who decided that setting his own house on fire so he could shoot some firefighters would be a good idea.

Fortunately for the firefighters, the man started shooting with his shotgun, instead of his more powerful weapons. He was too far away for his shotgun to be fully effective. As a result, none of the emergency response team was seriously hurt, despite at least two of them being shot. The shooter killed himself and his burning house caused some of his neighbors’ houses to be damaged or destroyed.

But, because the firefighters weren’t killed one of them had to indicate that God was looking out for them. Oh, really? He was, was He?

Your atheist host examined that “looking out for” from God’s point of view.

Misleading Headline Doesn’t Actually Lie, But…

When you read a headline which states as part of its coronavirus update:

“US Reports Over 21,000 New Cases Amid Mass Protests”

What pops into your mind?

Are you thinking that due to the mass protests the US has seen those 21,000 new cases? That’s not really what the headline is saying. The “amid” notes that the two events are happening at the same time, not that one is causing the other. But, in my opinion, placing the two events in the one headline is giving that misleading impression. And I think the headline writer knows that. Gotta get the clicks!

The article is here. Scroll all the way down.

Mario Cuomo Liked The Bunt

“”I love the bunt. It sends me into fits of rapacious joy. As I am at this moment just thinking about the bunt. Can’t you tell?”

When interviewed for Ken Burns’ Baseball documentary, former New York Governor the late Mario Cuomo talked about how he liked the bunt. I was unmoved.

Lately, however, I’ve been having a change of heart. I’m still pretty meh about the bunt Cuomo was talking about (moving a base runner into scoring position), but the squeeze play? That I like. The play is exciting and the bunt is part of it.

While watching Game 7 of the 1952 World Series between the Brooklyn Dodgers and the Hated Yankees, I saw Jackie Robinson and Roy Campanella get singles off perfectly executed bunts. Back to back. Astounding!

I guess I can like the bunt, too.

Cool Thing: The SpaceX Dragon Mission

With the pandemic and the civil unrest being on our minds, it was easy to miss that something cool happened. Two astronauts were launched into space on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket to the International Space Station. This was the first time in 19 years that American astronauts were sent into space from America! By Americans!

Waitaminute! American astronauts? Not Canadian? But their names are Bob and Doug.

Bang! There goes my joke.

Not that Bob and Doug, eh!

Be patient. Wash your hands. Stay home. Stay safe.

Dimland Radio opening theme song: Ram by The Yoleus

First ad break bumpers: De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da by The Police and Under Pressure by Queen

Second ad break bumpers: She’s In Parties by Bauhaus and Insect Mother by Robyn Hitchcock & the Egyptians

Closing song: Angler’s Treble Hook by $5 Fiddle

That’s it! See you next Saturday night for Dimland Radio 11 Central, midnight Eastern on www.ztalkradio.com you can also download my show from the z talk show archives page. You can email your questions and comments to drdim@dimland.com

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