dimland radio 5-23-20 show notes

Stealing Geo’s Thunder

On episode 663 (three away from Satan – Hail Satan!) of the Geologic Podcast host George Hrab’s cold open was about certain tropes in movies and television shows that bug him. I didn’t want to spoil them all, but I did dig into one that bugs me as well: Characters rarely say goodbye when ending a phone conversation.

I came up with a way I’d like to see characters say goodbye on the phone.

MTV’s Moments Of Prescience

This was a show filled with audio clips. The first two were pulled from MTV’s first day of broadcasting. Veejay Mark Goodman was reading some news items in which seem to predict the future, sort of.

First was a news item about anti-rock crusading preacher from Minnesota Steve Peters wanting there to be a rating system, similar to movie ratings, for rock records. Peters and his brothers were on a crusade to expose the truth about rock. Rock is the tool of the devil meant to corrupt kids and turn them away from God.

Hail Satan!

Well, Pastor Steve didn’t get a rating system, but a few years after this news item Tipper Gore’s PMRC did succeed in getting record companies to put warning labels on albums with explicit content. That was the kids would know which ones to buy.

Hail Satan!

“Eye Phone?! Who would ever want one of those?”

Next Goodman told the story of a Maryland man who had invent a device one could wear while listening to music. It covered the person’s eyes and flashed colorful lights in time to the music. He called his invention the Eye Phone. Goodman scoffed. He didn’t think the world was ready for the Eye Phone yet. Oh, Mark. How silly.

Hail Satan!

And Then There Were These Two Bigfoot “Documentaries”

I played several clips from two bigfoot “documentaries” for 1975. First was the Peter Graves hosted film The Mysterious Monsters (aka Bigfoot: The Mysterious Monster). Graves had decided to find out for himself if bigfoot was real. In short, he didn’t.

Oh, the documentary was sure to make actual science look close-minded, rigid, and unyielding in its nonacceptance of shitty evidence. But in the end, bigfoot remained just as unproven as ever.

The mean skeptic, the frustrated investigator, and the credulous scientist. You can tell he’s a scientist, he’s wearing a white lab coat.

The second “documentary” I discussed (very briefly, because it was total bullshit) is called The Legend Of Bigfoot. The film was made by a fellow named Ivan Marx. Never heard of him? That’s surprising, because going by his film he establishes bigfoot is real! I would think his would become a household name after such a feat.

Ivan Marx, the man who proved bigfoot exists!

And yet.

And there’s his proof! Right there! Can’t you see it? How can science deny this proof?!

Ooops! I almost forgot…

Hail Satan!

Be patient. Wash your hands. Stay home. Stay safe. Hail Satan.

Dimland Radio opening theme song: Ram by The Yoleus

First ad break bumpers: Eye In The Sky by The Alan Parsons Project and Rocket From A Bottle by XTC

Second ad break bumpers: Two Story House by George Jones & Tammy Wynette and Hungry Like The Wolf by Duran Duran

Closing song: Angler’s Treble Hook by $5 Fiddle

That’s it! See you next Saturday night for Dimland Radio 11 Central, midnight Eastern on www.ztalkradio.com you can also download my show from the z talk show archives page. You can email your questions and comments to drdim@dimland.com

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