dimland radio 7-5-14 show notes

Absent-Minded   Because of the Fourth of July weekend, this was a live show, complete with fireworks sounding in the background.   I started the show telling about how I had left my keys in the mini-van. Running. Smart move, Sherlock! I was able to call my father, who lives nearby, and he was ableContinue reading “dimland radio 7-5-14 show notes”

dimland radio 2-1-14 show notes

More Wisdom Tooth Talk Something weird happened more than a week after the extraction of my wisdom tooth. A yellowy, purply, old-looking bruise showed up on my neck just below my Adam’s Apple. I don’t recall the surgeon leaning on my neck and Amy hasn’t try to strangle me for a couple months. So, whatContinue reading “dimland radio 2-1-14 show notes”